Dog was left in the shelter with all his toys, one photo changed everything!

Dog was left in the shelter with all his toys, one photo changed everything!

Wall-E came into the care of the Maricopa County shelter in 2015. He soon found a new home where he was showered with love and affection. He lived the life every dog deserves.

But the dream soon came to an end: One day in September Wall-E had to watch as all his things were put into plastic bags and transported away. The six year old dog did not understand why he was driven back to the shelter from which he was once released.

Alone and frightened

Wall’s family could no longer take care of him, so they brought him back to the place where they had met him.

“He was given up by his family because they didn’t have enough time for him,” Jordan Bader said. Facebook page for the animal approved for adoption at MCACC, in discussion with The Dodo.

“He was very afraid. He barked continuously in his kennel.”

The animal shelter where he found himself was a cold and unknown place for Wall-E. He was not allowed to have his toys with him because there was no room for them.


Wall-E did not know why his family had given him up, confused and lonely he fell into his grief.

The dog sat alone in his cage and hardly responded to the people’s attempts to cheer him up. No one wanted to adopt such a sad sight, and people walked past Wall-E’s cage as if it was empty.

The four-legged friend spent two months in the animal shelter, without prospect of a new family. However, the home staff knew what was really inside him and were eager to find a new home for him.

One day an idea came to them. When Wall-E arrived at the home with all his belongings, they had taken a picture of the dog and his toys. They knew that the photo would have traction in animal lovers, and shared it with Wall-E’s story on Facebook.


But the reactions still exceeded their wildest expectations.

“We knew this photo would stir hearts and attract a lot of attention, but we had no idea it would explode like this. So many people showed interest in him,” Jordan Bader told The Dodo.

One of the animal lovers Wall-E immediately took to her heart was Lynn Lee. She went directly to the shelter to arrange a meeting, and the two got along right away.


Finally Wall-E has found a home where he can grow old.

And as you can see, he seems to feel really comfortable!

It’s just wonderful that Wall-E got a second chance in life.

Look how happy he is!

Animals cannot simply be treated as objects to be disposed of after use. Dogs are members of the family, and should be perceived as such.

Share this article to remind your friends that the purchase of a dog should be well considered!

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